Magnetism: The Inherent Power of the Soul
I've often wandered; why is it that when some people speak, everyone is enthralled, while others can talk about the same thing and no one is interested?
I drew upon the teachings and wisdom of Parmahansa Yogananda to help me understand this invisible magnetic field and how I can cultivate it for my own spiritual and professional growth.
Even with all their obvious faults, Celebrities, Politicians even social media 'influencers' are able to yield tremendous influence. What is the secret of this power? It is magnetism.
Everyone is divinely endowed with personal magnetism, yet some are able to exude it and others are not. This is because very few know how to develop that magnetism; it lies dormant in most people. Many of the faculties given to us in this lifetime remain dormant within for lack of use. Just like some of us go through life without cultivating our health potential through failing to adhere to basic health principles, what is the result? Premature ageing and disease.
Spiritual magnetism is what I'm mainly talking about. This is where the souls ability to attract and create whatever it wants or create whatever it needs for all round happiness and well-being lies. This is the magnetism that we all want to tap into. The magnetism of most people is not so highly evolved; it is predominantly on the plane physical magnetism and functions primarily on the level of materialism.
How your diet & lifestyle effect your magnetism
There are many factors that affect the development of magnetism. First, one must consider what they are putting into their body, the type and quantity of food you eat. Overeating, especially the wrong kind of foods is detrimental to the cultivation of magnetism, as it affects the bodies vital forces. Those who overburden their body with processed foods, alcohol, drugs, too little or too much exercise diminish their magnetism. On the other hand, fresh fruits & vegetables, quality herbs especially medicinal mushrooms like Reishi are thought to increase magnetism as these are foods with a high vibration. Overloading the digestive system drains the life force and causes a loss of magnetism, fasting can increase your vital forces to help illuminate that inner spark.
Remember, your body should always be under your control; it shouldn't control you. Those who don't fast usually fear that if they go without food for even one day they might die. Yet when you are on a long fast, you find that after a time that your hunger is gone and you lose all desire for food. The body's vital forces are enslaved by overeating but incorporating fasting into your regime a few times a year can revitalise your vital force and exponentially increase your magnetism*.
Fasting will teach you that you are more than just a body of flesh, you are a soul, an intelligent energy that is cosmic energy or prana, this is what sustains you, yet we forget this the more dependant we become on food. You will be astonished to see how this energy flows into your body directly, not through the agency of food.
Fasting cleanses your blood and allows your organs to rest, a revitalised energy begins to flow through every cell in your body. This is when you can exploit the healing powers of this sacred ritual for personal healing.
Vibrations of the whole world world pass through your body
Choose your friends & associates wisely, there is a constant exchange of magnetism between you and your surroundings and the people who you come in contact with.
All actions, both positive and negative, create vibrations in the ether. These vibrations are everywhere. When you are in the environment of these vibrations they pass through your body, just like radio waves. If you live or associate with people or doing wrong, you will feel the magnetic vibration of their wrong-doing no matter how hard you try to avoid it.
Calmness is the key to magnetism
We all know that stress can cut years off a person's health span these 'noisy vibrations' affect our health deeply. When you are nervous, you are more receptive to disturbing vibrations of all kinds, which further affect the nervous system. When you are calm, irritating vibrations cannot disturb you. They get at you when you are cranky and nervous, but the minute you become calm and strong in mind again, they cannot touch you.
Change and strengthen your own vibrations by thinking '"I am peaceful' or "I am happy", day after day, affirm that thought, and you will develop that peaceful or happy magnetism. If you find that your environment is not suited to your goals, find another that will aid you. By changing to the right environment, you help to develop your magnetism and to change yourself for the better. Mix with people who are models of what you would like to be. Look after your body, inside and out, eat well, stay hydrated, exercise and most importantly, conduct yourself with the consciousness that you are the master of your body.
Use your time wisely
Most people these days spend their time on useless things. Try each day to do something useful, do something worthwhile, so that you can feel that you have made a contribution, that your life has some meaning. Great magnetism is developed by accomplishing something everyday that you thought you couldn't do.
Watch your thoughts. All your experiences come percolating through your thoughts. It is the company of your thoughts that uplifts you or degrades you. A whole lifetime can be wasted. You are the master of the moments in your life. Watching mindless TV, scrolling through social media, playing cards in a smoke filled room for hours on end. Such a waste of life is the most vicious thing you can do to your soul. So much time is consumed and it gives you nothing in return.
Use Flower Essences
Flower essences are a unique tool which you can employ to harmonise your vibrational force. Depending on your individual imbalances, flower essences can eliminate old emotions & thoughts which no longer serve you. Once you shift your vibration you open yourself up to exciting new possibilities. As Joe Dispenza once said "your personality becomes your personal-reality", to truly transform yourself into a magnetic human being, you must change who you are, including your thoughts. You must begin to emulate the person you want to be, to do this, you must not only look inwards but also outwards and scrutinise your daily habits, the foods you eat, the time you wake up, how productive you are, who you associate with, your hobbies, the conversations you take part in.
Watch your words
When you are talking, give your attention to the person you are talking to, and talk sense. When you speak with your soul, everyone will want to listen. The power of the whole world is behind your words. You will change others with your words. That is magnetism.
For more on the teachings & wisdom of Parmahansa Yogananda visit the Self Realization Fellowship:
*Caveat; fasting should only be undertaken safely and after the clearance of your primary care practitioner.