Fibroplex MagActive for Kids 120 g
Fibroplex MagActive for Kids 120 g is a Practitioner-Grade product available for customers under the care of a practitioner.
Practitioner Products
To purchase any Practitioner Grade products you must have have a patient account with Health Freek.
Apply For An AccountIngredients in Fibroplex MagActive for Kids have been shown to or may:
- Assist with muscle health.1,2
- Support energy production.3,4
- Maintain a healthy nervous system.5,6
Support musculoskeletal health: Inadequate intakes of magnesium areunderstood to be a common occurrence in children 9 years and over.7Thisis especially pertinent given the rapid growth and development that occursduring childhood, such as within the musculoskeletal system. Approximately60% of the body’s magnesium is found in the skeleton, with approximately27% in muscle tissue.8Therefore, magnesium supplementation is importantfor growing children to help support healthy muscle function.9
Energy and nervous system support: Growing children can experiencehigh physical demands, as well as emotional stressors. Both physical andemotional stress can increase the requirements for magnesium10 andcontribute to symptoms such as lethargy, anxiety, insomnia and irritability.11Developmental processes during childhood also create a demand on energyrequirements. Magnesium is important for energy production as it plays arole in energy metabolism and mitochondrial activity.2,12
Meta Mag® is a unique chelated form of magnesium. Meta Mag® is composedof a magnesium molecule covalently bound to two glycine molecules. Thisexclusive form of magnesium has demonstrated superior bioavailability due to itsability to traverse challenging forces in the digestive system.
Children 2 to 8 years: Add 1 scoop (3.2 g) to 100 mLof water or juice, or to taste, once daily.
Children 9 to 12 years: Add 1 scoop (3.2 g) to 100 mLof water or juice, or to taste, twice daily.
Or take as directed by your healthcare professional.