Martin & Pleasance Fresh Start (Slim & Cleanse 10 Day Program)
(contains 1 each of Liver Elixir Habit Relief measuring cup & booklet)
Martin and Pleasance Fresh Start Slim and Cleanse is a 10 day program with three easy steps to jump start your health and wellbeing. Fresh Start contains Habit Relief and Liver Elixir which are unique homeopathic formulas with the inclusion of tissue salts that work synergistically to naturally support your journey back to good health.
Liver Elixir may aid general detoxification in the body and assist and improve digestion. The inclusion of Capsicum, Dandelion, Nux Vomica, St Mary’s Thistle & Aloe can help detoxification of the body, improving digestion and metabolism and reducing cravings rapidly. The inclusion of Magnesium Carbonicum and Lycopodium further assist digestive health and support in reducing bloating. When the Liver Elixir is added to water through the day this may aid ongoing hydration and with the inclusion of Veratrum Album, Euonymus and Lycopodium it further supports an effective cleansing program.
Habit Relief is a nerve & general tonic which may calm and strengthen the nervous system, improve quality of sleep, and increase mental clarity and general vitality with the inclusion of the 5 phosphates – Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Ferr Phos, Nat Phos, Calc Phos and Avena Sativa along with Alfalfa. Ignatia, Passiflora, Gelsemium & Colocynthis which may assist in decreasing “cravings” especially those heightened by irritability and mild anxiety.
Fresh Start Slim and Cleanse contains:
• 1 x Liver Elixir 200ml Oral Liquid
• 1 x Habit Relief 50ml Oral Drops
• 1 x Measuring Cup
• 1 x Fresh Start Slim and Cleanse Booklet
Liver Elixir may aid general detoxification in the body and assist and improve digestion. The inclusion of Capsicum, Dandelion, Nux Vomica, St Mary’s Thistle & Aloe can help detoxification of the body, improving digestion and metabolism and reducing cravings rapidly. The inclusion of Magnesium Carbonicum and Lycopodium further assist digestive health and support in reducing bloating. When the Liver Elixir is added to water through the day this may aid ongoing hydration and with the inclusion of Veratrum Album, Euonymus and Lycopodium it further supports an effective cleansing program.
Habit Relief is a nerve & general tonic which may calm and strengthen the nervous system, improve quality of sleep, and increase mental clarity and general vitality with the inclusion of the 5 phosphates – Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Ferr Phos, Nat Phos, Calc Phos and Avena Sativa along with Alfalfa. Ignatia, Passiflora, Gelsemium & Colocynthis which may assist in decreasing “cravings” especially those heightened by irritability and mild anxiety.
Fresh Start Slim and Cleanse contains:
• 1 x Liver Elixir 200ml Oral Liquid
• 1 x Habit Relief 50ml Oral Drops
• 1 x Measuring Cup
• 1 x Fresh Start Slim and Cleanse Booklet