Byron Bay (Free Spirit) Love Oils Organic Pomegranate Seed Oil 30ml
The edible fruits of the exotic Pomegranate contain hundredsof small seeds, each encapsulated in a membrane filled with sweet, bright redjuice.
The number of seeds may vary from about 200 to 1400, whichis contrary to the belief that all Pomegranates have exactly the same number ofseeds. These seeds make up about 20% of the fruit’s edible part and areseparated out to cold press extract the oil.
This precious oil contains a unique essential fatty acid –Punicic acid – which is named after its source Punica granatum. Punicic acid isthe only known botanical form of Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLnA), one of themost potent antioxidants known to modern science.
Pomegranate Oil is high in anti-inflammatory and anti-microbialproperties.